Association Committee

Our Community Association is comprised of the eleven member strata schemes in City Quarter. Each member strata has a proxy appointed to represent the owners at the community level. These appointments are usually made at the Annual General Meeting of each strata.

The Community Association holds an Annual General Meeting where the Association Committee is elected.
Only the appointed proxies may vote at this meeting. The elected assoc
iation committee meet quarterly to discuss community matters and manage affairs. In practice, all eleven proxies attend each meeting and consensus is sought across the majority of the community on all issues, however only nine representatives may be elected.

Each strata scheme also appoints a sub-representative, or backup person, to attend meetings when the proxy is unavailable.

As with all meetings, owners and tenants can attend but may only speak when invited to do so. The best way to raise a matter for discussion at the Community Association meetings is to first speak to members of your strata schemes, strata committee (or speak with your strata manager).

The managing agent for the City Quarter Community Association is Toni French from Lamb and Walters:

The community associations facilities are managed by Andrew Sorbello - Greencliff Facilities Management:

Representatives from both of the above are normally in attendance at meetings.

Want to get involved?

Make sure you stay informed and become aware of calendar for meetings of your strata scheme strata committee. To join your strata committee make sure you turn up to your strata scheme's annual general meeting and nominate yourself.